Henry's Helpers

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Because only the tip is visible to the public,
 the other 90% has to be discovered for oneself.
Would a sports team ever put their
best plays on the internet?

  Then why would someone else want you to?
Does that even make sense?  

 How might you protect yourself
from people like that?

The good news is that one of the easiest
and safest ways is to walk away
and let them fail.  

Most importantly, don't let
unkind or uncaring people know that
you have caught on to them.

Here is another bit of wisdom. 
If people are unkind, then there is
something wrong with them, not you!

Walk away and go find someone nicer...
the good news is that you only
need one nice person.

And, for everyone who
has survived unkind people
I am so proud of you. 
You are special because
you are a survivor.

Henry's Helpers
A hero is usually only as good as his or her helpers. Wise seekers pick whom they follow very carefully. Figured out why yet? Watch out for the lost followers!  They might not know what they are doing....