Henry's Helpers

For The New Super Heroes!

The Big Question!
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Henry's Quest
Make Your Future Amazing!
For The New Super Heroes!
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About This Site
Welcome to all the nice
people who are growing
 their brains so they will be
able to create their own
solutions later in life!

Become your own super hero!
It is waaaay more fun!

It is so important to grow your own skills so
 you can help yourself have a wonderful life
and escape uncaring or unkind people. 

Imagine never having grown the right skills
and then having to hope someone else is capable
of saving you every time you have a problem?
Is that a good idea? 
What if the person you are depending
 on didn't learn the right skills either?

Let's make sure you are able to take care
of you and the people you care about! 
 Ready to get started?


From Kathy: Hi!!! It is so good to see you here!  The activities and information on these pages can benefit anyone who wants to participate.  Many don't cost much money or need sophisticated technology to be effective. They just need to be shared .... There is also no judging needed, so please focus on learning, doing and sharing! 

For adults who need to rebuild their math skills in order to be able to better protect themselves and their families from someone who isn't nice, here is where to start.


Prepping for Success
Staying Successful
Overview of where to focus for elementary and middle school students arriving soon

Go Fish 13!

 Go Fish pic

Game for practicing
addition and subtraction


More Activities




This website is made possible by the materials on it, the designer's tutoring and the past support of her parents and sister.  It doesn't take a lot of money to make a difference; it just takes using one's money wisely. 

Henry's Helpers
A hero is usually only as good as his or her helpers. Wise seekers pick whom they follow very carefully. Figured out why yet? Watch out for the lost followers!  They might not know what they are doing....