Henry's Helpers
Play Yum Yum Dairy Bar
Role playing helps beginning learners build important skills (click on the photo for a free copy of materials and directions)
Math Skills Practiced Counting Sorting Symbol Recognition Simple adding and subtracting Problem solving
Money Skills Practiced The concept of moneyHow money is used The concept of budget Decision making with money
Money Skills Practiced
The concept of moneyHow money is used The concept of budget Decision making with money
For Libraries
For parents, teachers and other important educators
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Henry's Helpers A hero is usually only as good as his or her helpers. Wise seekers pick whom they follow very carefully. Figured out why yet? Watch out for the lost followers! They might not know what they are doing....
A hero is usually only as good as his or her helpers. Wise seekers pick whom they follow very carefully. Figured out why yet? Watch out for the lost followers! They might not know what they are doing....