Henry's Helpers

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Make Your Future Amazing!
For The New Super Heroes!
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Be your own super hero!  Want to know how?  Can you find any of the clues below?

KathyS.jpgAfter spending decades in the corporate world, Kathy changed her life. She returned to school to earn a Masters in Education from Southern NH University and a Certificate in Educational Technology from MIT on Edx. She also took college courses to update her math and science knowledge. Kathy then spent over 14 years working one on one with students to better understand the issues affecting their learning. What she found was that many students hadn't learned important skills when they were younger. So, she began helping her students change how they learn.

Letters from students can be found at the link below. 

Kathy now has lots of fun creating new solutions with some really nice people. 

For more details, see the links below.


Please note:  This site isn't meant to be popular as sometimes the "popular" may not understand or care what they are doing to other people. The purpose of this site is to help the nice people who find it gain an advantage over unkind or uncaring people.  If it helps even just a few families, then it will have been successful.

This site is independent and self supporting.  There are no ads, corporate sponsors, charitable contributions, secret tracking or other activities that would create a conflict of interest with its purpose.  (Please be aware, however, that other entities may be secretly tracking you.  It is important to know how people make their money and what they do with your personal information so you can protect yourself.)

Henry's Helpers
A hero is usually only as good as his or her helpers. Wise seekers pick whom they follow very carefully. Figured out why yet? Watch out for the lost followers!  They might not know what they are doing....