Henry's Helpers

Henry Says

The Big Question!
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Henry's Quest
Make Your Future Amazing!
For The New Super Heroes!
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Henry's most important book ...

Henry and his friends share some strategies for handling challenges.

This book is designed to let parents, grandparents, teachers and mentors help children build inner strength and confidence.

Sometimes, it can be as simple as learning to look at things from a different point of view.

Click photo to see actual book cover and where to order.


Have you been noticing what you should? 
What kind of thinking are you able to do? 
And, what about the people around you? 
Ever thought you might want to influence them? 

How will you if you don't know
anything about them?

Join the pelicans, those rare and wacky reddish egrets, some ducklings and a few different looking birds as they inspire children to think.  If only because solving problems with our minds is usually better for everyone.
Questions for the Questers:
Who might Henry stand for?
  What about some of his friends? 
  If you think through each page
what might you discover? 

Questers clue:  Remember, very few things work by magic ... most stuff has to actually be practiced in order to work.


The book can also be found at

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Henry's Helpers
A hero is usually only as good as his or her helpers. Wise seekers pick whom they follow very carefully. Figured out why yet? Watch out for the lost followers!  They might not know what they are doing....